Modblog introduction
Why are there messages dated earlier than my welcome message you may ask....
I moved this blog from Open Diary because I wanted to use something more customizable for true flexibility in creative expression. It used to be called Reality Un-TV... not a bad name, but after a long shift at work I have been thinking (too much soft drink)... so why fingerprints and question marks?
In our lives we leave fingerprints on the world in so many ways. I have made hundreds of coffees in the past few weeks... hence hundreds of people have drunk coffees made by my hand. Maybe the caffiene in the coffee gave them the energy to do something amazing. Maybe when I told them to have a nice afternoon it stopped someone from jumping off a bridge. I'm not trying to elevate my menial casual job as a barista to something life saving, but the fact is that we are so interconnected that nearly everything we do has implications for other people now or in the future. Our lives are built on collective histories and narratives, and all of the fingerprints we leave on the world are making a cumulative future.
Why question marks? Well, why? How much of our life is about asking questions about ourselves and the world we live in? Asking questions is such an important thing in shaping the world and shaping one's self.
Philosophy aside, I will introduce myself more soon. I hope you enjoy reading the entries I have transplanted from my previous diary, and I hope you enjoy reading all of my new entries..... who knows where my adventures will take me (and the readers)!
I moved this blog from Open Diary because I wanted to use something more customizable for true flexibility in creative expression. It used to be called Reality Un-TV... not a bad name, but after a long shift at work I have been thinking (too much soft drink)... so why fingerprints and question marks?
In our lives we leave fingerprints on the world in so many ways. I have made hundreds of coffees in the past few weeks... hence hundreds of people have drunk coffees made by my hand. Maybe the caffiene in the coffee gave them the energy to do something amazing. Maybe when I told them to have a nice afternoon it stopped someone from jumping off a bridge. I'm not trying to elevate my menial casual job as a barista to something life saving, but the fact is that we are so interconnected that nearly everything we do has implications for other people now or in the future. Our lives are built on collective histories and narratives, and all of the fingerprints we leave on the world are making a cumulative future.
Why question marks? Well, why? How much of our life is about asking questions about ourselves and the world we live in? Asking questions is such an important thing in shaping the world and shaping one's self.
Philosophy aside, I will introduce myself more soon. I hope you enjoy reading the entries I have transplanted from my previous diary, and I hope you enjoy reading all of my new entries..... who knows where my adventures will take me (and the readers)!
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