Thursday, May 25

I have a confession to make...

to those in internet land. I am a smelly dirty backpacker. And I didn't do my hair this morning. If you could smell my blog right now, it would have the aroma of a teenage boy's bedroom. Actually, it would smell like my brother. Yuck!

Not through my own fault though. I think I wrote in Klaipeda how the hostel had no hot water... well, this morning I went to have a shower and, yep, no hot water again. Problem with the gas at this hostel. So I tried to have a freshen up but the water was numbingly cold. I wanted to wash my hair, but there was no way I was doing it in that freezing water.

Plus, I then discovered I had somehow lost my hairbrush between Riga and Vilnius.

But I have done one thing to improve my appearance. I abandoned my shoes that were now completely split open at the sides and bought a nice new pair of Nike sneakers. They are silver and red. Sexy! My poor dirty smelly blister covered feet seem quite thankful, but they are still aching a bit. I don't know how brilliant the fit is because they don't seem to fit shoes in Lithuania, you just try them on yourself and decide, but they seem comfortable and supportive enough. And they were a bit cheaper than they would have cost in Australia, and probably a lot cheaper than they would have cost in the UK.

OK, I'm going to leave the internet cafe and go and repulse other people with my dishevelled and smelly state. Ick! I hope they fix the gas quickly.


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