Sunday, May 28

Rain rain go away

Today has been very rainy, making sightseeing very hard. I went to the KGB museum though which was really interesting, but also shocking and somewhat sickening. The torture cells and the execution rooms really made me feel ill and upset, but it was interesting and I learnt a lot by visiting.

Other than that I have tried to avoid the rain. Waiting now to catch my night bus to Warsaw... it's a very boring wait. Glad that the hostel people don't seem to care that I am still hanging out here even though I haven't paid for a room tonight.

I've been in a funny mood today... not sure what kind of mood it actually is. Maybe it's just a rainy-day-torture-cell-visiting kind of melancholy.

I'm also dreading this nightbus...ugh I will be so tired when I get to Warsaw and I can't check in until three in the afternoon or so. Oh well... tis life.


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