Tuesday, October 25

The end of semester is coming... and that is both a good and bad thing. Good, because it means the end of the uni year. Bad, because it means the deadlines for my assignments that I am stressing about are slowly creeping nearer and nearer.

I'm v excited about London, but I am going to have to be so super stingy it isn't even funny. Everything is so damn expensive! But I have been having fun procrastinating and googleing random things.

Ugh I have been trying to get rid of shifts at work so I can actually do uni work, but I have been having big problems getting rid of some shifts. Ugh.

I am trying to kid myself by saying I don't really care how well I do at uni, but deep down I know I really do care and I absolutely hate it when I get below a distinction.

Sigh... nite nite all.


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