Wednesday, November 2

At work and bored... how unusual!!

I'm at work... and I'm bored. Yay. My boss is at a meeting and I have done everything she left me, so basically it is just google, SMH online and me. They are changing the SMH and the Age websites, I wonder if it will be any good.

Anyway, I've done my radio story and online feature, so all I have left now is an essay... saved the best till last (not! *shudder*). Tomorrow night I am going to a work thing which should be fun, it's like a caberet night... I have to organize a going away party for me for next week, and I need to start packing my stuff and cleaning my room... you can bet my room will be cleaned and my bags packed before I have finished my essay, it is exactly the kind of thing I will use as an excuse for procrastination.

Anyway, as you can probably see I've moved everything from my modblog blog to blogger... modblog used to be so great and have so many features but now it has died. I will redo this template soon (probably as a form of procrastination) and organize some sort of photos and stuff to go in here for fun. If anyone knows any good sites on designing with blogger, let me know. Hmm I'm trying to decide what sort of look to go with, the brown/green look on my old blog was nice, but I might go with something brighter for summer. I don't want to hurt people's eyes too much though.

Anyway, should go. The bright pinkness of this page on my screen might arouse suspicion soon.


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