Down with the fat haters
I read some post on a forum that said that fat people should go to hell. Here was my response (I think I kept my cool pretty well):Haven't read the whole thread and frankly don't want to.I think it is extremely judgemental the way people criticize those who are fat. And I think that treating fat people as second class citizens contributes to the problem.How is someone whose self esteem has been withered away to such an extent going to find the motivation to exercise/change their diet? They will feel worthless... and when people look down on you because you are fat, you sure as hell don't feel like going to the gym (full of glares from people) or even out for a walk.... people who feel ashamed of themselves don't feel like getting active and out and about.So I think that society's shallowness is a part of the cause sometimes.I'm fat.... and it's not something I'm proud of, but a large part of it was due to what I was fed when I was a kid (kids have no real say in what they get fed) combined with a slow metabolism (my brother eats far more junk then I do, yet he is a healthy size, as is my little sister). I try and watch what I eat and get to the gym multiple times a week (which is hard because I have to work so much to afford uni). And no I am not one of those people who blames everyone/everything for my problems.... I admit that my weight is partly due to my own neglect/laziness/pov erty/eating to compensate for mood swings at times. Plus I have other priorities a lot of the time. I just think it is unfair to paint all fat people with the same brush... people have different problems and different issues. Would you say all people who have depression should go to hell? Well, overeating can be linked with some mental illnesses/depression . Would you say all people who have health issues should go to hell? All people who have adictions and problems? All people who are imperfect in some way? This statement is as ludicrous as me saying that all people who smoke cigarettes should go to hell. Everyone has flaws.The people who I think should go to hell are assholes who give me nasty looks at the gym when I am there trying to get healthy. Or girls who give funny looks when I am at a dance class. Or worse still, the assholes that came to one of my dance concerts when I was a teenager and did ballet and yelled out rude comments from the audience.They are the sorts of people that should go to hell in my opinion. When I was a teenager, I hated myself so much that I compensated by eating. People used to tease me and bitch about me and my size was a major target. Basically, it fucked me up royally in the head and I still have some "complexes" left over from that even though I have moved on from the self-hate years. When I feel better about myself, that is when it is easier to eat well and exercise more.... when I am feeling like shit, all I want is to hide in my room with some chockies.So maybe instead of condemning people we should be trying to make them feel better about themselves (fat and skinny people, everyone!). Surely it could only have positive repercussions.Anyway, moving on. Today I went shopping and bought some funky ugh boots (my dad cringed when I told him this.... he said that only bogans wear ugh boots.... I replied that when I was home next I was going to wear my ugh boots everywhere to annoy him) a cool turquoise skirt and a lacy camisole thing. Shopping is fun! I tried on some cute dresses just for the hell of it.... I hadn't been shopping for soooooooo long! Plus, I love winter clothes, for some reason they just seem more decadent than summer clothes.... maybe it is all the wool, or the various layers, or the darker colours.... dunno!I have discovered a yum snack... they are snackright biscuits fruit slice mango and passionfruit. They are really low fat, low GI and they are pretty damn yummy! They aren't very cheap though, so that is the only downside.I talked to my cool friend Roz at home on MSN today and she filled me in on all the local goss.... then I had to ring my mum and nanna for mothers day. Made me wanna go home! I haven't been home for ages now, not since early January. Oh well, it's not long until semester is over.... argh that is kinda scary, so many essays to write. Plus I need to study for this exam that is on Thursday..... shit shit shit shit shit!!!!! Shit!!!Better go. So unmotivated to study.
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