Thursday, November 3

At work again

Hmm... this is pretty sweet. I'm at work, blogging and listening to my ipod... and being paid for it. Hmm. Apparently I have to write a feature for the features editor but I haven't seen her to find out what to do, so yeah. And all the advertorials are written for this week. It's not even 3.30... I have to be here until 5. Ladidahdidah!

Anyway, I haven't been up to much lately. Just been at uni an awful lot editing radio and doing my online journalism feature which is crap... didn't get as many interviews as I wanted, not really happy with it, but hey what can you do.

Next week is the last week of semester. I just have an essay to go and then I am done... yay! So unmotivated to do the essay though, and I kind of feel like I am on holidays already just because of the excitement factor of the whole Europe thing. I've told one job I am leaving, and tomorrow I will tell the other.

Tonight I am going to the "Bridgeclimb Caberet"... should be pretty funny, it seems like there are a lot of artistically unemployed artists/singers/actors and Bridgeclimb so it should either be funny or good.

Anyway, don't have any other thoughts to blog. Just been reading up on London and London attractions and London accomodation and London.... and all that stuff.


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