Thursday, November 17

Home... and I have made my booking to get out of here already!

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while... been uber busy doing things like partying (mmm absinthe), packing, presenting radio and the like. I have moved out of my place in Sydney and am now back home. Yay... that was slightly sarcastic. Even though I love this town, every time I come back I think it has less and less to offer me. Even at the supermarket last night I only ran in to one person I know, which is quite a piss poor effort really in this place. It's always nice to be home and relax but I will miss Sydney. I realized when my brother and dad came up to get me and move my stuff and they were complaining about the crowds and the traffic on a Monday night around 8pm that I had changed very much in two years due to my Sydney experience. It's kind of a paradox of my existance now... when I am in Sydney, I am an Albury girl, and when I am at home, I am a Sydney girl. Very strange. But I will be catching up with some groovy people soon.

Anyway, yesterday I booked my flights! I am so excited! It ended up costing more than I thought because all the flights were so booked up. Finding out so late that I was actually going on exchange was a bit of a pain in that respect, but the prices weren't too bad. I'm on a round the world ticket basically, so I'm excited!

I leave Melbourne airport at 11.59 pm on Jan 2nd.... then I have a stopover in Hong Kong for a day.... I am there from 6am until midnight so hopefully I can see some cool stuff! Then I fly on to London. When I leave London in mid June I am going to Rome, but that is only an approximate type thing so I can travel Europe without overstaying my UK visa. Then I am leaving Europe from Rome after I have done some travels, and having a stopover in Bangkok for a couple of days and then flying in to Sydney. Sounds exciting eh? I'm excited!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOUR HOME!?! Welcome back! Oh Albury is a happening place you just gotta know the right people ;). haha.

OHh that is sooo exciting, but your leaving the day before i hit 20, aww that is ok though.

Anyway no doubt i will see you soon (literally!!) I have one more exam on monday, and then i am all done. YEA!

Talk soon

11/17/2005 01:57:00 pm  

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