Dinner Party
We had a lovely dinner party at a friend's house last night to celebrate one of my friends shoving their foot in that heavy entry level door of the media. Mel and I got all domestic during the day, making salad and vegetarian fresh spring rolls and lemon slice to take, because it was too hot to venture out of the house during the day.

The party was held at my friend's house in the fancy part of Redfern. Shame about the sawn off shotgun wielding madman and police road blocks plaguing the suburb that evening. At first we thought the police helicopter had just heard about our amazing cooking... then we thought that maybe something more serious was going on outside. Oh well, just another night in Redfern. More tea anyone?

It was a lovely evening. Good food, good company, great conversation. Very civilised, despite the kerfuffle outside. The police helicopter continually flying over was slightly disconcerting though, but easily ignored. We were lucky that we got a cab without too much hastle, retiring to the safety of the Inner West.

The party was held at my friend's house in the fancy part of Redfern. Shame about the sawn off shotgun wielding madman and police road blocks plaguing the suburb that evening. At first we thought the police helicopter had just heard about our amazing cooking... then we thought that maybe something more serious was going on outside. Oh well, just another night in Redfern. More tea anyone?

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