Sunday, December 3

Fun weekend

I've had a fun weekend this weekend, with our work Christmas Party happening at Luna Park on Saturday night. It was a Bollywood theme and the free champagne was free flowing (my glass kept on being instantly refilled while I was in mid conversation so I have no idea of how many glasses I actually drank). I was well behaved though, but was cutting some crazy moves on the dance floor and went down the slippery dips at Coney Island in a little black dress and heels haha. I think I might be seeing myself in some interesting photos on Monday...

Last night there was a party at a friends house so despite being colossally hungover from said work party, I soldiered on and partied hard again. We were playing poker, talking ALP politics and I was even Dj-ing for a while, paying a great deal of attention to the levels on the mixer because its not my strength! Except people were rather frustrated with my music choices... I think someone threatened to kill me if I played another Belle and Sebastian track. Alright by Supergrass seemed to shut them up and get them dancing though. I didn't know half of the music on the playlist, I'm so mainstream compared to some folk haha. But it was a fun night, shame that the weather was so crappy.

So now I'm about to roll to the gym to try and burn off some of the booze related calories and yeah. I have been so bad with blogging lately. It just seems that after being on a computer typing all day at work that the last thing I want to do is come home and jump on the computer. Internet overload!!


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