Saturday, November 11

Hearty parties

Still have one assignment left to do, starting to work on it now. 2500 words stand between me and freedom (and also the house needs a good clean) and I am going to try and get them down as quickly as possible.

On Wednesday night I had my last class, and the event was marked by mass consumption of champagne, getting home at 3am and then having to work for the whole day with tired tired eyes and a bit of a sore head. But I didn't complain once. You make your own bed and you lie in it.

Last night was the journalism awards ceremony and while my lacklustre work was lucky enough to scrape one nomination, the highlight of the night was chatting to everyone, hearing some interesting speakers, and then partying hard at the Claire afterwards. We did get home though at the reasonable hour of 1.30 due to tiredness and the knowledge that I had this stupid assignment to do this weekend.

I've been invited to a 21st tonight and I feel I should make an appearance, even though it's over the bridge. I think the last time I went over the bridge was when Roz and I went to Luna Park in 2004 and discovered it was pretty crappy...

The guy on the computer next to me at the library is really freaky, I might move!


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