Saturday, February 3

Picnic in the park

Last night we had a picnic in Victoria Park to say farewell and happy birthday to a friend who is going on exchange. It was really lovely. The park has great views of the city lights, and it felt somewhat mischievous to be indulging on wine in the dark park when I am pretty sure you aren't supposed to drink there. The only problem with parks in Sydney is that there are no public toilets, and a trip to relieve ones self behind a bush could well put you in full view of an overenthusiastic dog walker, even when night has fallen. A friend who moved to Melbourne and we haven't seen in about 18 months also showed up to the picnic, so that was really cool. It was just like old times... things have changed a lot recently, but it really was how it used to be, us all relaxing and talking at a million miles an hour. A nice night was had by all. Tomorrow we are having high tea to also say farewell.... tonight I am lolling about with sore muscles from yoga, tired eyes from a stressful week at work, and a full stomach from overindulging on some yummy toffee flavoured icecream.


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